Matador News

Rising 6th graders - Geometry Pathway application

This is for rising 6th graders that want to apply for the Geometry pathway at Murchison.

New NEWS for rising 6th graders

Elementary Visits to deliver Choice Sheets There are a couple of updates to the elementary visits to deliver and discuss choice sheets.  Please note, the SMORE is locked and cannot

Rising 9th grader information

UPDATE on January 8: There is a link below to sign up for a virtual Q&A session that takes place on January 24 Hey 8th graders and caregivers! We're not telling you to leave now but we have to get you ready for next year.

Calendar of Events

Book Fair!

Choice Sheet Night


Choice Sheet Night

Today, I commit to my education. I do so realizing that a lot is expected of me. I do so knowing that I will have to study and work hard. I do so wanting to avoid anyone and anything that will tempt me not to succeed. I do so in respect and honor of the History Makers who have paved a way for me.

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