504 Services

504 Coordinator: Maggie Meador



Visit the AISD 504 Services page for more information.

Welcome! I am glad to work with you and your students. Please see below for more information about Section 504, and some FAQ's/Answers I can provide:


What is 504?


What happens if I think my child may need 504 services?

  • Teachers, Parents, Staff, or Administrators can refer a students for a 504 Referral of Eligibility.
  • The 504 Coordinator collects the data to review. This may include grades, attendance, assessments, teacher feedback, previous academic evaluations, Other Health Impairment forms from pediatricians, and student and parent input.
  • 504 Committee convenes. This is different from the voting members and meetings for special education.

    • The committee will determine if the student has an impairment that substantially limits that child from participating in one or more major life activities.
    • If deemed eligible by the committee, an Individual Accommodation Plan (IAP) is created.
    • 504 IAP is shared with the student’s teachers of record.
  • Re-evaluation meetings are convened every three years to re-determine eligibility.


  • It is important to remember that not every diagnosis necessarily means that a student will automatically need a 504 Individual Accommodation Plan (IAP). As above, the impairment must substantially limit the child from participating in one or more major life activities. 

  • The purpose of a 504 plan is to provide equitable access to a Free and Public education, and our commitment is to ensure that accommodations are tailored to students in need, and distinguish between this and teaching practices available to all students.

    When are 504 meetings held?

  • Re-evaluation meetings are convened every three (3) years to re-determine eligibility.

  • If your student has a 504 plan and a meeting was held in Spring 2024, for example, he or she will be eligible for a re-evaluation meeting in Spring 2027. 

    • Snapshots are held every year in the interim: A Snapshot is an annual review of a student’s plan to maintain appropriate support. It does not require formal meetings. No changes are made to the plan. If changes are recommended, a Review meeting will be scheduled.

  • During the fall semester: In order to provide enough time for teachers to give informed and detailed feedback about their students, 504 meetings are not held until (generally) after the first 4-5 weeks of school. 

Maggie Meador

Project Specialist